Planning Human Resources

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Planning Human Resources - Recruitment for the China Campus

Planning Human Resources - Recruitment for the China Campus


It is essential to understand the role of human resource planning in the development of the university. Even in educational institutes and universities this planning is very essential in order to achieve desired goals and objectives effectively and efficiently. There are critical thinking and thought processing involved in driving a plan with the help of which a university can earn both repute and revenue. Moreover, if a university is planning start its operations in another country then there must be different aspects which should be carefully focused in order to start flawless operations and understanding of rules and regulations and laws of the country are very significant. Under the discussions different concepts and factors will discussed in order to provide detailed understanding related to operate an entity in another region.


There are many factors and elements which can be considered before planning the staffing. These are mentioned as under in detail:

Determine Business Goals

It is essential to understand the goals of the business before establishing or drafting any business plan. It is to be taken into consideration that whether strategic partnerships will be required by the company or not. A business strategy is a great plan for attaining different business goals (Robinson D. G., 2009, pp. 163).

Environmental Scanning

It is of great importance to scan the environment, internally and externally. It is important to consider different factors like key demographics, work force trends and detailed workforce analysis (Lesca N., 2011, pp.142). There are different trends that can be seen and observed in the market as well. Internal scanning includes modification in leadership styles, restructuring of the university, study of the corporate culture, health and safety policies etc. Whereas, the external scanning includes current workforce trends, employment practices of other companies, creating pools for incumbents, turnover rates and migration patterns etc.

GAP Analysis

GAP analysis helps a company to focus on where it is and where it wants to be (Franklin M., 2006, pp. 2) it also helps to identify the loop holes and gaps which are present in the system so as to avoid malfunctioning of departments and the practices which are not helping any company to achieve its desired goals and objectives. These gaps are to be filled in order to achieve efficiency and success. With the help of this working environment will be improved and the right talent will stay in the university to benefit it for the long term.

Monitor, evaluate and Report

After planning there are different steps which need to be taken care off. These steps include monitoring, evaluation and reporting. Monitoring at every level helps the university to gauge the performance of the department as well as of an individual. There are different levels at which the evaluation is carried out. It is important for the employees to get evaluated because of the reason that their promotions and appraisals are based on evaluations. It is an orderly appraisal of finished projects (Kusek ...
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