Planning For Emergencies

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Planning for Emergencies

Planning for Emergencies


Situations or events that are characterized as emergencies are natural, caused by humans or technological. These are occurrences that require a quick response to protect and safeguard life, property or the environment. Examples would be terrorist threats, hazardous material spills, urban fires, hurricanes, earthquake, public health, war related disasters, storms, floods, aircraft accidents, nuclear accidents or any other such occurrence that would demand an emergency reaction. As Winston Churchill said, “Let our advance worrying become advanced thinking and planning.”

List and describe your arguments in support of a disaster specific plan. Briefly, justify your response.

Each hazard's characteristics for example the speed and power of the onset, the size of the affected area are different, yet the response are the same general tasks used for conducting evacuation and operations for shelter. General EMP provides a common plan for threats and hazards when each incident is unique from the other and so are its effects. A Disaster Specific Plan would ensure that the community knows how to act and respond to all kinds of disasters.

For example even though an earthquake strikes without warning, there are steps that can be taken to make your house fit enough to get through one successfully, and also deal with the aftershocks. For Hurricanes and tornados a list can be provided that would help an individual prepare beforehand and measures that can be taken to minimize the damage after the emergency has been declared. Plywood can be screwed over glass windows to reduce shattering, high priority important items can be placed in basements and water resistant areas, procedures can be verified to shut off water, gas and electricity etc. are measures that will if not prevent then reduce damage. If incase of a Volcanic eruption, an individual will know how to prepare for ...
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