Planning And Leading A Residential Trip

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Planning and Leading a Residential Trip for Reception Children

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Planning and Leading a Residential Trip for Reception Children

Task 3 Leading and Managing Development Projects


A project is led by a leader or a manger, and it is their responsibility to lead and manage their project. In order to accomplish the desired goals, proper planning is required. This involves developing a project team, which can effectively handle the tasks related to the project. A project is always divided into parts, and leaders have to delegate tasks to the team members according to their capabilities and skills. Planning trips is a big task, and it is necessary to make sure that everything is planned in the best way.

In this section, the project will be enhanced further by developing teams and leading and managing team members effectively. The project is designed for planning a residential trip for reception children. The managers have to plan every step in making this trip successful. They have to deal with the challenges and manage their costs effectively to avoid failure. The aim of the leaders and managers is to design a plan, which can help in making this road trip successful. In this section, the plan is further elaborated by involving the team members in decision making process. This will help the leaders and managers in delegating tasks and responsibilities to the team members according to their skills and abilities. The progress of the project and an evaluation of costs and budgets is also present in this section.

Leading and Managing Project Team

The project is designed to plan a residential trip for children keeping in view the costs and budget of the trip. The leader of the team is responsible for managing the project team. Every member of the project team is responsible for .certain planned and delegated activities. The leader is responsible to delegate responsibilities according to the skills and abilities of the team members. This will help the team members in effectively fulfilling their responsibilities and duties. The trip is planned for children and their parents, and it is a not-for-profit trip. The project funds will help the leaders in making this trip successful.

The residential trip involves parents as they are also required to come along with their children. The staff members are reduced to avoid high costs, and this will make the trip successful. Leaders have to focus on managing their team effectively so that they can achieve the goal of this project.

Involvement of Project Team in Decision Making

Team members play an essential role in accomplishing the tasks and responsibilities for achieving the goals of the project. A residential trip involves children and parents, and it is the responsibility of the school to make sure that everything is well-planned. We have to avoid the potential risks and make this trip successful. The team leaders should motivate their team members to participate in the activities and give their opinions and views. The decision should be shared ...
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