Plan For Positive Influence

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Plan for Positive Influence

Plan for Positive Influence


A group may be defined as two or more people interacting with each other to achieve results or to determine specific requirements. They can be formed, from the organizational structure to achieve a particular goal or desires to meet certain needs. Groups can be formal and informal:

They are defined by the organizational structure and have designated certain job functions. The behaviour is set by the organization's goals and directed towards its fulfilment. Members of the flight crew of an aircraft are an example of a formal group (Wellins, 1991).

By contrast, informal groups neither are not structured partnerships from the point of view nor determine formal organizations. These groups are natural formations created in the working environment that arise in response to the need for social contact.

Some of the features of groups are:

There is only one leader

The leader decides, and delegates discussed

The purpose of the group is the same as the organization's mission

Individual responsibility

The individual work product is

Effectiveness is measured indirectly (Impact on the business c / individual, etc).

The meetings are proposed by the leader


A team is the combination of people who possess skills and knowledge, and committed and put their skills as the fulfilment of a common goal. “Teams are a form of coordination skills and create agreements for relatively quick responses to problems rapidly changing organizational needs demand, new forms of work capable of responding to various needs, such as integration and specialization, flexible structures, etc. Teamwork is fundamental to the success of an organization (Parker, 1996, pp.55-62).

A team is a small group of people with complementary skills who are committed to a common goal and a form of work that holds the responsibility of each. The best measure of a team is between 7 and 12 individuals.

Some of the features of ...
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