Plan And Design Training And Development

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Plan and Design Training and Development

Plan and Design Training and Development


Effective development and training plays an efficient and inevitable role in the enhancing the productivity and performance of the organizations. The development and training is dependent on knowing the necessary things that are needed for the department, the organization and the individual as a whole. With the necessity for cost effective solutions and limited budgets, each and every organization is required in order to make sure that the resources spent in development and training are targeting such areas where development and training is essential and it will help in providing positive return as a result of invested amount of money (Anonymous, 2006). Effectual analysis for realizing the needs for training in the organization is particularly important in current altering environment of workplace as flexible working practices and new technologies are becoming common. This changing environment of workplace is leading to relevant changes in the abilities and skills required.

For designing and implementing any effective and efficient training event and programme plays an essential role in order to effectively analyze the needs of training that are required for enhancing the performance and productivity of the organization (Anonymous, 2006). The use of training needs analysis in the organizations enables business organization to channel resources in the regions wherein they will participate in the development of employee, organizational performance and also enhancing morale. Each and every employee working in the business organization must analyze their training needs in order to enhance their performance and productivity in their work. In today's changing environment of the business organizations, managers are accountable for many types of people management, embracing development and training of their team members (Anonymous, 2006). Thus, managers and each and every employee must have an understanding of analysis of training needs and they must be capable of implementing this analysis of training needs successfully for enhancing the productivity and performance of the business organization. Effectual analysis of training needs includes systematic analysis, coordination and planning all across the organization. This effectual analysis helps in ensuring that the priorities of the organization are taken into consideration. All capable trainees must be involved in this process and practice rather than relying on the manager's subjective evaluation. Managers must consider and focus on the training in the process of training needs analysis in order to clarify all that they are attempting to attain and also which approach must be acquired by them (Cherniss, 2000, Pp.1-7).

Discussion and Analysis

Training at different levels

Operational level training

Responders at the operational level in the organization are required to be trained so as to meet all the skills and capabilities of operations level and awareness. Moreover, responders at operational level receive training in order to meet the requirements that are required in enhancing the performance of the organization. Managers in the organization at operational level take up lowest rung in the hierarchy of the management within the business organization (NFPA, 2008). These operational level managers manage all the employees and these managers are known ...
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