Training & Development

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Training & Development

Training and Development


In the recent times, training and development is known as the great field of human resource management, which is related with organizational activities that aimed to be betterly performed by the groups and individuals of the organizational settings. Training and development covers three key activities: development, education and training. Heraty, Costine and Garavan from the Irish institute of Training and development noted that these ideas are often considered to be synonymous. On other hand, the practitioner encompasses three disconnected and even interrelated activities. It has been observed that strategic training involves learning and development practitioners with of organizational stakeholders, ensuring that investment in learning conforms to priorities of organization. If business follows the approach of strategic training, it will provide the positive outcome on productivity and team spirit will be remarkable. Strategic training requires following few steps for implementing its aimed training: Identify Learning Needs, Allocate Resources, and Design a Training Plan. These certain steps improve the training plan and its implementation.


Reinforcement theory

Reinforcement theory is determined model within the sphere of communication. The theory usually states that people look for some information and offer cognitive support for their pre-existing beliefs and attitudes. The chief assumption of this theory guides that people do not like to find themselves in an uncertain situation and eventually feel uncomfortable, when their beliefs are challenged. We can clearly learn about this theory by the example of Politics. It provides an exceptional background for the study of reinforcement theory. Most of the people have pre-existing beliefs, when it comes to the situation of Politics. This has been assumed by the statistics on undecided voters. For instance, in the presidential election of 2008, not more than one-fifth of voters were claimed to be undecided (Sidoti, 2008). This result has been observed that these individuals were more susceptible to political persuasion (Johnson-Cartee & Copeland, 1997).

Social learning theory

Social learning theory is a view that usually people learn from their tradition of society and with their internal affairs. The concept of social learning theory facilitated such as observational and modeling learning. According to the social theory, models are an important resource for achieving behavioral change and learning new behaviors in institutionalized settings. The theory of social learning is molded from the work of Albert Bandura, who suggested that observational learning can occur in association to three models: Symbolic, Verbal instruction and live model. Symbolic is the model which occurs by means of media that include radio, literature, Internet, television and movies. Verbal instruction describes the desired behavior in detail, and educates the members to engage in the behavior. Moreover, live model is the actual person who demonstrates the desired behavior.

Adult learning theories

Adult learning theory holds a set of assumptions about the learning of adults. It stresses over the value of the learning process. It uses access to learn those problematic based and collaborative rather than didactic, and also focuses more on the correspondence between the learner and teacher. The study was formed in the year of 1950 ...
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