Physician Assistant

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Physician Assistant

Physician Assistant


If I travel back in time to when I first moved to United States from Russia, I recall the obstacles on the way that helped to mirror my own achievements and growth. It is very difficult to leave everything behind that you know and love as it was not an easy choice to make. I observed myself grow from a timid boy to a much more confident personality. After graduating from Samara State University of Medicine, Samara, Russia, I had aspirations for pursuing my career in medical field and especially in physician assistant. Throughout my life as student, I always worked as a caregiver for a number of families who not only appreciated me but also were very thankful towards my work. I personally believe that what one thing makes a person happy; it might not make another person happy. It can also be seen that just the way beauty comes from the eyes of the beholder, in the same way, fulfillment in my eyes comes from caring and helping others. Therefore, it is my desire to become and pursue my career as a physician assistant so that I am able to use my capacities, talent and potential in service for others.


From the time when I worked as a childcare giver, I always had a passion for helping others and taking care of them. Even at the time of my graduation, I was not worried and was not thinking about my graduation and my tripping when I stepped forward to get my diploma. I was just sitting there idle, thinking that after more than two hundred college credits, different majors, and various other ventures into workforce in which I always searched for the career that always made me happy and glad to pursue my career in. I always felt that I want to do something with my life. I want you to know that there is more in me than just a medical experience and degrees that I earned. I am an individual who worked very hard to graduate and kept on changing my majors only so I could find a career that could make me happy. It can be easily conclude that finally I am a man who wants to serve the underserved. That was always my motto and my mission to accomplish. I was a person who always wanted to help others in every way I can, ...
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