Peter Defazio, Oregon

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Peter DeFazio, Oregon

Peter DeFazio, Oregon


DeFazio was born in Needham, Massachusetts, a suburb of Boston. He credits his great-uncle with shaping his government; when he was a boy, that great-uncle almost not ever said "Republican" without saying "bastard" (or "bastud," as it generally noise in the Boston accent). He assisted in the joined States Air Force from 1967 to 1971. He received a Bachelor of creative pursuit's degree from Tufts University in 1969 and a Master of creative pursuit's degree from the University of Oregon in 1977.

Problem Statement

DeFazio voted against the Telecommunications Act of 1996—one of only 16 congressmen to do so. DeFazio especially objected to a provision that deregulated the cable TV industry. This paper challenges his liberal voting record.


According to DeFazio, numerous of his young person Democrats subsequent realized "they were idiots" for backing the bill. He was also the only Oregonian who is against NAFTA and GATT. On the topic of abortion, he has cast a vote against attempts to prohibit partial birth abortion and to constraint the interstate transportation of minors to obtain an abortion. He is an origin member of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, and was its chairman from 2003 to 2005.

In 2008, DeFazio and California representative Pete Stark marked a note to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi suggesting a one quarter of one per hundred transaction levy on all deals in financial instruments including stocks, choices, and futures. Subsequently DeFazio presented the No BAILOUT Act.

Somewhat contentiously, DeFazio declined to support the American Recovery and Reinvestment proceeds of 2009, voting against the final incentive package on February 13, 2009. He was one of only nine dwelling Democrats to not ballot "yea" on the account, and one of only seven to ballot "nay". DeFazio said that his vote against the account was due to his frustration ...
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