Pertussis Vaccine

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Side Effects of Pertussis Vaccine

Side Effects of Pertussis Vaccine


There are a number of diseases that may not seem as critical by the description of their general symptoms. Therefore, such diseases are not given much attention and neither any sufficient measures are adapted for the prevention and cure of these diseases. One of such diseases is known as Pertussis, more commonly known as Whooping Cough. Australia recorded around 38,000 cases in the year 2011, the most astounding number since records started in 1991 and generally the country is known to be recouping from a major scourge which started in 2008. However, since then, Australia's accounted for several instances of whooping that have been expanding exponentially with practically 40,000 cases in the years 2011 and 2012 (Weber, 2012). It is important to note that the disease is very prevalent in all age groups however; it has turned out to be most lethal for the children. Nevertheless, it has been found that parents very often do not take the diseases and the associated prevention measures very seriously. These observations coincide with the results that are obtained if the PICO tool is applied.

Whooping cough or Pertussis is demarcated as a remarkably infectious bacterial sickness that results in rough, uncontrollable coughing. It must be noted that this coughing can also result in breathing difficulties. Moreover, these coughing spell might prompt short loss of cognizance or vomiting. It takes around 7 to 20 days for the indications of this malady to be visible after the infection. Side effects incorporate hacking and 'whooping', which can proceed for a couple of months (van der Zee et al, 1996, pp.92). Pertussis might as well dependably be recognized when retching happens with coughing. In babies, stifling spells are usually experienced.

The most ideal route to avoid pertussis is to get immunized. In fact, it will be fair to say that the most commonly used intervention to prevent the disease is to vaccinate the children in young age. The vaccinations are for all the age groups such as for tots, kids, preteens, youngsters and adults. The vaccination used for the children is known as DTap (Taranger et al, 2000, pp. 1011). Measurements of immunization are given at 2, 4 and also 6 months of age, where support dosages are given at the age of 4 years and then at the age of 15-17 years. Immunization against pertussis is attained utilizing various fusion immunizations. There is no alternate for the vaccination that is provided to the children. However, the Pertussis Vaccine is used to prevent the disease from occurring in children.

It must be noted that the Pertussis Vaccine has certain side effects. These are mistaken to be dangerous by many parents. Hence, for this reason, many parents refuse to vaccinate their children. On the other hand, because lack of awareness, some parents do not realize the importance of these vaccines as a preventive measure (Stewart, 1977, pp.236). Therefore, it remains an important concern that the parents in the recent ...
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