Perspectives On Human Behavior

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Perspectives on Human Behavior

Perspectives on Human Behavior

Human behavior varies to a high extent. As contrasted to other living organisms, human beings are greatly affected by five different perspectives of human behavior, which includes biological / evolutionary, cognitive, psychodynamic, learning, and socio-cultural perspectives. As a result, it is reasonable to articulate that human being's sporadic monogamy is culturally purely provoked and not instinctual. On the other side, human beings willingly appear to acknowledge that licentious propensities are ingrained into their brains (Robinson, 2009).

Psychologists are keenly interested in thinking and behavior; however, they may differ noticeably. A number of psychologists apply psychology by practicing psychological expertise to assist human beings alter their thinking or their behavior process. Through this way, they can accomplish their personal objectives efficiently. Yet other psychologists teach and share expertise in seminars, workshops, and classrooms. Many psychologists engage in all fields, which include teaching, practice, and research (Rathus,, 2011).

The foremost perspective of human behavior i.e. biological is the most fundamental perspective and is linked to experiences and behavior originated by operation in the nervous system of the human body. Many psychologists believe that the brain is partly developed by the genes individual inherits, and human behavior is affected by genetic aspects. Human brain can be divided into several areas and structures, according to its functioning. Role of genetic influences is particularly associated with different types of behavior. Other than brain and genes, the amalgamation of society and biology makes human beings what they are and what they do. Biology leads human beings' reactions to stimuli, founded on hundreds of generations of ancestors existing as of their reactions. The societal structures dictate alterations and restrictions in how human beings perform their biological reactions. The three essential components biology contributes to human behavior include self-protection, the cause for self-protection, reproduction, and a strategy to improve self-protection and reproduction, gluttony (Bolin, 2009).

Cognitive perspective presumes that behavior is the outcome of information processing. Focusing cognitive sight of human beings is the notion that they keenly strive to formulate sense of their surroundings through inflicting order and importance on the things they come across. Cognitive views of human behavior are established around the methods through which individuals plan, organize, and execute information related to particular methods of acting. For instance, in an endeavor to describe a distinctive behavior, such as, phobias, a cognitive psychologist would begin from the presumption that the unusual emotion ...
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