Perspective Drawing

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Perspective Drawing


Geometric perspective (sometimes called linear perspective) makes subjects in a drawing look like they recede into distant space, appearing smaller the farther they are away from you. Geometric perspective can also create the illusion that you are either above or below the subject of a drawing. Using geometric perspective makes your drawings appear three-dimensional (rather than flat), and more realistic.

Thesis Statement

Linear perspective techniques are used by artists to give the illusion of distance and space to drawings and paintings.

Discussion and Analysis

The horizon line or eye level line in a perspective drawing is the line where the sky meets the ground or the line that the eye falls on naturally when looking straight at the drawing. Somewhere on that line, you will usually find the vanishing point or points in the painting. The vanishing point is the point in which any two or more lines of the painting converge in the plane.

As illustrated in the simple diagrams below, you can see that there can be one vanishing point. When there is only one vanishing point, the drawing has one-point perspective. Another scenario illustrated below shows two vanishing points. When a painting has two or more vanishing points, it is said to have two-point perspective (Wood, 96).

Contoured maps, serial sections, or plans and elevations, are capable of providing much detailed information about the form of regular or irregular bodies and surfaces. It is, however, not always possible, from an examination of such diagrams alone, readily to visualize the real shape of the surface and the relationships of the various parts, as the process of mental integration of the series of basic diagrams can often only be carried out after a prolonged study. Moreover, the formation of a complete mental picture, which can be easily used, may not always be possible.

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