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Renaissance art began with Gioto and raise to a climax in Michaelangelo and thereafter degenerated. The idea of Renaissance is a re birth of civilization involving a repudiation of the past, is not Victorian but dominates the Renaissance itself. What happen in this era of Renaissance? In this time art become to be more functional and also it was the beginning were peoples work more precisely. Moreover it was the beginning of perspective. A perspective was found by Brunelleschi (Florence 1377 - 1446). The word perspective comes from Latin which is perspectiva, adopted by the roman philosopher. The meaning of perspective is it is mathematical system for drawing a three-dimensional world into paper or canvas. The term of perspective may refer to any graphic method, geometrical that is concerned with conveying an impression of spatial extension into depth, whether on flat surface or with form shallower than that represented.

Perspective representation or composition results when the artist adopts a visual approach to drawing and consequently portrays perspective phenomena such as the diminution in size of objects at a distance and convergence of parallel lines in recession from eye. Perspective works through a paradox of illusion and representation. Scientific perspective, known variously as a central projection, central perspective, or picture plane or Renaissance or linear or geometrical perspective, may regarded as the scientific norm of pictorial representation. During the renaissance visual illusion become the popular as evidenced of the artistic innovations. The increasing of human of the renaissance was reflected in how artists depicted space. In the fourteenth century the painter Lorenzenti brothers and Gitto from Italy they rendering the illusion of three dimensional space. They used intuitive perspective to drawing the smaller and narrowing in the distance. In the human scientific they believed that a man is the measure of all things.

The increasingly human centered world of the Renaissance was reflected in how artist depicted space. In the 13th, when linear perspective had not found so all the artists called it reverse perspective. In which parallel lines splay rather than converge as they approach the horizon line. Linear perspective is based on the observation that all parallel lines which move away into the distance at the same angle appear to converge toward a single point (vanishing point), and that this point appears along a plane (horizon line) which corresponds with the point of view of the observer. It used for the artist to make the manual for seeing the elements above the eye of the viewer tend downward (like roofs).Also using by architect to make drawing of building in renaissance. So many people describe about why perspective drawing was adopted to the Italian Renaissance in that time. The role of perspective in Renaissance art is too used for illustrate of the allegorical scriptural stories. Perspective also is used by the military power since the precision of drawing was vital because any deficiency of a line could mean the loss of an army. Perspective works through a paradox of illusion and ...
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