Personality Overview

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Personality Overview

Personality Overview


Personality psychology, which is also known as the personology, is the study about the person, and the whole human beings. The personality is linked by many people in different ways as there are personality differences and the types and traits of the personality. The personality psychology is very important part of human personality because it describes the characteristics and behavior of an individual. The personality psychology differentiate individual from other human being as many people are having different characteristics and personality traits. The main purpose of personality psychology addresses the broader issue of the “what is it to be a person.” Personality psychology belongs to psychology that identifies and admits mysticism as a crucial aspect of the psyche of man and of the general method of things. It also honors the whole field of human experience, such as different stages and realms of the human psyche that become visible in their characteristics and traits. In this essay I will closely analyze the personality theory of Carl Rogers. The personality theory by Carl Roger evolved around the work as a clinical psychologist and then he developed his theory on basis of that by off shooting the client centered therapy, which was later known as the person centered therapy


Personalities theories have been offered since the inception of study of personality began. These theories offered a wide range of human personality by defining their characteristics and traits, which are the explanations for the behavior by the person. This essay will closely analyze the personality theory of Carl Rogers. The personality theory by Carl Roger evolved around the work as a clinical psychologist and then he developed his theory on basis of that by off shooting the client centered therapy, which was later known as the person centered therapy. He was the first and prominent therapist, with an abiding respect to human beings considers the dignity and emotions of the person and never compared the interest of person as an object but it was used as the subject throughout his therapy (Krebs & Blackman, 1988). Carl Rogers approach for study the personality traits and characteristics of the person is idiographic and phenomenological. His views about the characteristics and behaviors of humans are “exquisitely rational”. Further his opinion revolves around the nature of the man which is positive according to his study. He also consider human as the trustworthy organism, which are reflected in his theory of personality.

For examining the theory presented by Carl Rogers more closely, the exploration of Roger`s view on the self is very necessary. In his opinion the human condition and the rationale of this condition can be improved by proper therapy. While the theory present by Carl Roger on the humanistic nature of personality has both the strengths and weaknesses. Also the personality theory by Carl Roger presents the valuable information and contribution in the areas of human psychology recognizing the free will and the importance of self. Carl Rogers in his personality theory maintains that ...
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