Personality And Behavior

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Ways through Which Theories of Personality and Behavior Have Emphasized On Subjective Experience as a Way of Understanding of People

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Ways through Which Theories of Personality and Behavior Have Emphasized On Subjective Experience as a Way of Understanding of People


The question of what constitutes the human personality, character or nature, and how to describe the personality have employed philosophers, writers and scientists since antiquity, for example, informed the physician Hippocrates (460 to 377 BC) people in the four different types of temperament sanguine, phlegmatic, choleric and melancholic one. Some of these concepts are still evident in many languages. In science it has long history, since been a shift away from those overly simplistic typologies - the example shows, however, that efforts to describe the human personality and to record, have a long tradition.

Personality as a subject of research in psychology

The quest for self-knowledge of man is as old as humanity itself so it is hardly surprising that there is now a confusing set of tests is concerned with the issue of personality. The range of tests, ranging from "10-questions-and say-we--you-Who-You will be" - Psycho tests, without which today manages barely a magazine more to science-based procedures in the psychological counseling, research and therapy are used. But what insight can a personality test - it may still be as scientifically sound - achieve? Is not every man is so unique that it is impossible to capture its essence with a test? Yes and no. Certainly, a personality test our personality in all its complexity and uniqueness not fully captured. Any psychological test is so to speak, only a "crutch": a tool with which we approach a complex subject as possible.

How can people be described and understand?

In attempting to answer the question of how people can be fully described and characterized, so-called dispositional personality theories are dominant. These theories assume the existence of permanent and relatively stable properties - including dispositions or traits called from affecting the behavior and intelligence in specific situations. In contrast to temporary conditions such as fear or joy describe the properties of permanent features, such as the tendency to react anxiously in different situations. Psychological research approaches the human personality, by looking for properties that are pronounced differently in different people.

The logic of this approach is simple: A property that is equally present in all people is uninteresting, because it does not allow differentiation. The information that you need oxygen to live brings you no new insights, as all other people do the same. In contrast, it takes you much longer to learn that you are a very friendly person, because people differ in terms of the property "compatibility" strong. Their individual character of "compatibility" has an effect on your behavior and your relationship with your fellow man. The goal of personality theories, then, is to determine the basic dimensions and to describe, in which people differ from each other. Such characteristics are present in all people, however different in the ...
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