Personal Strategic Leadership Plan

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Personal Strategic Leadership Plan

Personal Strategic Leadership Plan


The leaders are the important individuals that help the organizations in developing successfully while fulfilling the respective aims and objectives at the same time. The good leaders are needed at every step of the organization and needs them to successfully implement their ideas in the business operations. A large number of theories have been carried out in the past that takes into account different leadership theories and analyze them in different perspectives. The past literature on the leadership theories shows that these theories do not agree on a single characteristic important for the leaders in their operations. Instead they see number of characteristics important for the leaders. This paper provides my personal strategic leadership plan which includes my Leadership Vision related to Mentoring, Inspiring and Building Trust.


My personal leadership vision is that a good leader inspires individuals to perform the best they can do. An excellent leader is efficient and can gather people while making efficient teams that are involved in attaining objectives of organization. Inspirational leadership is the ability to inspire others by casting a vision for the individual and the team. Companies with inspirational leaders make work attractive and interesting to the team, create high team morale, and attract and retain good resources.

Statement of Personal Leadership Vision

As an Inspirational leader I must set the pace, believe in the future, connect people to the larger story and believe in myself and my team.

The inspirational leadership is an important form of the leadership theories that have been presented in the past. The leaders that possess the inspirational leadership stimulate their subordinate's mind and emotion to the higher level of feeling and inspiration. These kinds of leaders are tending to be more powerful due to the admonitions possessed by the leader. The inspirational leaders provide the ways of achieving the aims and objectives as to how their subordinates can attain these objectives. The inspirational leaders also communicate what their subordinates are expecting and by making use of the symbols, they make them to focus on the mission and vision in order to achieve certain goals and objectives. [1]

The inspirational leaders are the leaders that inspire even other leaders of their level by making them to let out their feelings and emotions as to what they think and want their subordinates to do. They also enhance the confidence level of the other leaders that are performing in their line by observing critical abilities of them in crucial times. They are also very helpful to their subordinates as they make them to work beyond the expectations and their efforts of interest are inspired by the influential appeal through the symbols, vision, images and language. All these factors give rise to the enhanced capabilities in the subordinates and they are greatly encouraged to move forward with exclusive goals and objectives in their mind. [2]

Some organizations, particularly those in the creative industries, need something beyond motivational leadership if they are to perform ...
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