Personal Story

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Personal Story

Personal Story

“Low aim is the crime so we should have high aims in our daily lives”

Above are the words of Ralph Waldo Emerson. These words have always been my inspiration and have always provided me an impetus to take courageous steps in my life. One of the courageous steps that I took in my life is to go to United States of America for higher studies. It has been almost two years that I am in United States of America. These two years have transformed many facets of my life. Today, I feel proud of myself for what I have achieved so far in my life. When I was 17 years old, I won a scholarship from Saudi government to study in the United States. I was extremely happy and excited to see United States of America. My family was worried about me because I was so young and how can I move from Saudi Arabia the country where I grew up and the only place that I know. I assured my family that this is the right decision for me and anytime I will feel week I will get back to Saudi Arab.

With the mixed feelings of cheerfulness and nervousness in my heart, I took up the flight to USA. While sitting on the plane, I was missing my last day and last moments with my family. I was massing the warmth of the hug of my mother when she hugged me, and the encouraging words of my father were murmuring in my ears. At that moment, I decided that I will never let my parents down, and I will always make them proud of me.

My experience in this country of freedom has taught me many things in this short span. The time that I am spending ...
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