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Personal Statement

Personal Statement

“Low aim is the crime so we should have high aims in our lives”

This adage of Emrson has always urged me to espouse exigent aims. We know that life is unpredictable! Sometimes it rolls aimlessly, sometimes it does not move in our desired direction regardless how arduously we push it but, sometimes, it goes towards our dreams smoothly. In my life, I have always believed that I will become a dentist and I kept my faith despite all the challenges that life threw on my face.

In this quest of becoming a dentist, I, devised a concrete itinerary of my career. By adopting the right path, I, right after my high school began to apply in professional schools. Applying to the professional school was also indispensible for me because if I had not done this I would have to serve in the military for two years according to the Iranian government rules. The dogma of discontinuing my studies and joining military and serve for the brutal regime was like a nightmare to me. So, in order to escape this situation, in addition to the dentistry, I also applied in other professional schools. But, when the aims are strong and hopes are sky high all the forces of universe unite to give you what you want. So, I got the admission in one of the top notch schools of Iran “Shahid Beheshti Medical School.” This was an experience that enriched me with knowledge. After drenching myself in the rain of knowledge in medical school I found myself more inquisitive to adopt dentistry profession. The pearls of wisdom that I touched and the operations that I undertook further instilled in me the firm believe that these skills would be of utmost significance in the field of dentistry. In this passion of joining ...
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