Personal Responsibility

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Personal Responsibility

Personal Responsibility


The willingness to accept responsibility for one's own life is the source from which self-respect springs (Joan Didion).

The above quotation articulates that for a prosperous life, and to attain goals, the acceptance of personal responsibility is the only roots through which dignity bounces. Responsibility is the value which explained as consciousness of the person, allowing you to reflect, manage, guide and assess the consequences of their actions based on the moral plane. The responsible person is one who acts consciously be it direct or indirect cause of an incident. Personal responsibility referred to the ability to look after or taking care of the oneself in a way that keeps healthy relation with others, managing yours and other emotions, treating yourself with respect and things like that. Moreover, taking responsibility for your own actions and understanding the effects that arise from your surroundings (Swaner, 2005).


Personal responsibility, when accepted by a person classifies the difference between t he adult and child. This can be considered leap in to maturity stage. Completely integrated and entirely implementation human being is the trademark of the responsibility. There are certain steps when you enter in to the maturity stage which makes the cycle of personal responsibility. The maturity stage starts when a person enters in to the college life. He or she is then responsible of their actions and deeds.

Awareness: The first step is awareness. When a person enters in to the college, they should be aware of the problems that might be an experience by them any time, then considerations and attention given to make choices between them. If a student wants to be successful in the college life, responsibility is the absolute requirement for this accomplishment. However, personal responsibility and success go hand in hand. Moreover, along with the success, motivation, achievements, self actualization and happiness area also associated with the personal responsibility.

Options: A second step is departing options available to you. This includes all possible results to the available problem. This is also helpful when a person stuck in a difficult situation or unfavorable situation it will be easy for them to solve the problem.

Choice: Third step is the choice. It is not necessary that the chosen option by you is right. If it is not working keeping trying, perfect is not everything rather it is better than abusing you-self.

Plan: the last step is plan. In this plan carried out in which questions asked by you in order to carry the plan further. However, this should be kept in mind that this plan will help you to become a responsible person and one can achieve success in their college life (Kloes, 1993).

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