Personal Reflective Essay

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Personal Reflective Essay

Personal Reflective Essay

Since the beginning of first year at the high school I have noticed my personality change. I think that now I have more self-esteem and confidence in myself than I had two or three years ago. I have developed a passion for helping others and I would describe myself as a very generous and caring person. I love to hang out with my friends and I think I am a fun outgoing person. I like to have a good time and I am easy to get along with. I can listen to people when they need someone to talk to and I can sometimes give good advice.

Everyone has some down falls in their personality and I am no exception to this. I know that I can become a bit bossy when I want things to go right. If I see someone doing something incorrect then I try to correct them but this can come across as being bossy and controlling.

Most of the students, not excluding me, thought that by taking English 101, all we would do is just write then receive a passing grade for doing our work like in High School and move on to the next level. But we were all wrong; English 101 was very challenging and demanding in how our writing needed to meet the goals and outcomes of requirement for portfolio in order to receive a passing grade. We always expected that going to school the instructors were here to assist us, showing us step by steps of what needed to be done, the errors that we were having on our papers that needed to be fixed, and last but not least the most important thing, which is the key to the right answer to succeed. Because we thought that instructors always have the right answer, there is no debating whether the answer is right or wrong, but we all have to respect and look to them. However, in my case, I feel like it is a trap of mistake! It was not that simple like I thought it would be.

First day of English 101 class, I seemed uneasy and very frustrated. The teacher passed out the General Course Description. I started to underline and highlight whatever seemed significant to be noticed about, for example: "The notion that writing is central to critical inquiry is one of the chief operating ...
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