Reflective Essay

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Reflective Evidence from current practice placement in a Personal Development Plan

Reflective Evidence from your current practice placement in a Personal Development Plan

Practise in a satisfactory and the anti-discriminatory way, acknowledging the differences in beliefs and cultural practices of individuals or groups

A number of challenges wait for an MHN when they opt for this profession. Every citizen of the society can enjoy health to its maximum extent if the principles of dynamic citizenship, social cohesion and social justice are a part of an environment. (Gale and Grove, 2005). Mental health workers must operate with values of fair treatment and justice for all.

Since childhood, I have applied the principle of equality in my life. This value became a part of my practice placement as well. I monitor and evaluate the service user basic physical needs, no matter to which culture or race the person belong.

Strengths: The values I hold and practice helping me to deal with the challenging situations at every step. Weakness: As far as the weaknesses matters, it becomes difficult sometimes to provide care to the minority groups in a proper manner because of pressure from higher authorities. Opportunities: The opportunities I look for includes, my placement in some institute where security will be an essential, and I will get a chance to work for humanity, but it is not an easy task. Threats: The risks that I might face include working under some supervisor with completely different humanitarian and ethical values.

Under this aspect, the plans that I have for PDP includes making other people learn about the importance of elements of equality so that the human beings will get the response and treatment they deserve.

Specific: To develop a forum in which a group of experts will be invited every month to provide guidance about dealing with the diversified people and keep a strong focus on the equality themes. Measurable: The measurement of the objective will be provided by the career practices. Realistic element is important, because I believe that to be a good mental health worker the principle of fairness and equality should be the values followed by every worker. Achievement of the objective depicts by the workers behaviour as to be an MHN they are required opting for the above mentioned principles. Time specific: The time frame of the objective indicates that the result of the objectives could be achieved as soon as an MHN realizes the practicality of the objective.

Engage in, develop, and disengage from therapeutic relationships through the use of appropriate communication and interpersonal skills

Therapeutic relationships focus on the relation with those who are a part of the healing process in some manner. Service users and the carers are the key stakeholders in this regard. Training is essential for MHN to help them better understand the interpersonal relationships. The on-going training and the supervision provides a basis on which the MHN's ability to effectively deal with these stakeholders matters.

For an MHN to work effectively, the talented workforce ...
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