Personal & Professional Development

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Personal & Professional Development

Professional Development Plan (PDP)

Professional Development Plan - Section 3


A personal and professional development plan consists of short term and long term goals, skills and objectives of the individual for accomplishing continuous improvement, growth and career development. The development plan identifies the necessary skills, competencies, and resources which are required for achieving the career goals as well as organization's objectives. There are the formal processes and activities needed for implementing the development plan effectively which will be discussed below. The development plan helps both the individual and the organization in achieving their long term objectives.


Scope of the project explains the boundaries of the scope. It involves determining and documenting a list of specific project goals, deliverables, tasks, costs and deadlines. During the course of completing the project it helps on focusing on different phases of project. Effective scope management requires the project manger to enhance his communication skills. The communication skills help aligning the activities executed by different team members at every phase of the project.

Time management plan

The goals must be designed and developed in a way that they can be achievable in limited period of time. Time frame has huge importance in achieving project successfully. The project manager must effectively communicate the starting and ending dates to different teams members.

Cost management Strategy

Cost management is an effective part of project completion. This can be achieved by maintaining sustainable relationships with suppliers, wholesalers and other distribution channels. To achieve organizational success and competitive advantage project manager need to carry out cost-benefit analysis which is often a difficult task due to the changing trends and rising costs. Project manger should conduct its cost-benefit analysis through E-commerce applications where the system will quickly identify the internal and external threats and how it can achieve maximum benefit and minimum costs for each project or marketing campaign.

Risk management Strategy

The environmental scanning and analysis is done on a regular basis so that risks are assessed beforehand and backup plans are kept. The purchasing and procurement need of the project is assessed through the demand and supply analysis in the global markets. This helps to be responsive and efficient without faces delays and disruptions. The increasing uncertainties in the external environment have forced project manager to focus on risk management. It is the need of the hour to be fully prepared beforehand so that uncertainties and unforeseen circumstances can be dealt effectively by the project manager.

Quality management Strategy

In order to enhance customer satisfaction, quality needs to be ensured at each and every stage of project completion. If there is superior quality of products, it will lead towards long term competitive advantage. Quality is the key to attract and retain customers through increased customer satisfaction. Total quality management has become a highly important part of project management practices. Project management plan include total quality management to ensure that products are of high quality. Successful project management can only be achieved if there is total quality ...
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