Personal & Professional Development

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Personal & Professional Development

Demonstrate How You Would Implement and Continually Review Your Own Personal and Professional Development Plan - Section 3


A personal and professional development plan consists of short term and long term goals, skills and objectives of the individual for accomplishing continuous improvement, growth and career development. The development plan identifies the necessary skills, competencies, and resources which are required for achieving the career goals as well as organization's objectives. There are the formal processes and activities needed for implementing the development plan effectively which will be discussed below. The development plan helps both the individual and the organization in achieving their long term objectives (Robertson & Murrihy, 2006).

This paper emphasizes the effective and confident self-directed role of an employee. This paper also helps in achieving confidence while managing personal and professional skills in achieving personal and career goals.

Process and Activities Required Implementing the Development Plan

The personal and professional development plan for an individual is personalized. It portrays the activities and objectives for the career development of an individual. Implementing the development plan helps individuals to enhance their competencies, skills, knowledge, and experiences. With the help of the enhanced competencies, an individual can achieve the personal as well as the career goals. The implementation of the development can also benefit the organization. The development plan identifies the learning and development goals of an individual. The development plan contains different activities related to formal and informal development, training, and education to attain the abilities required to meet the goals of the development plan (Hyatt, 2012).

There are different process and activities required to implement the development plan, which are as follows:

Self Assessment and Appraisal

Initially, an individual has to identify the current skills and abilities, knowledge and the level of interest. With the help of the assessment plan I can better understand my core competencies and capabilities. Here, firstly building an accurate self-image and developing self-awareness would be done in order to assess myself. Then, personal self-appraisal can help in identifying my strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT) both in personal and professional life (Borrington & Stimpson, 2004).


While implementing the development plan, individuals have to identify the new skills, acquaintances, and experiences that they would like to attain and have. It is also important for me to identify the goals related to my personal and career interest. Also check out that whether my goals are in line with the goals, vision and mission of an organization (Gallen & Buckle, 2001)


For implementing the development plan, it is important to identify what skills, acquaintances, and capabilities are to be attained or improved. The plan can also be changed over time with the changes in the objectives. The objectives of the professional development plan should focus n SMART framework which states that objectives should be specific, measurable, agreed, realistic, time-bounded, evaluated, and reviewed. For each objective it is important to recognize the following points:

Support Needed

For achieving objectives, I need guidance and support from seniors and ...
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