Personal Ethics Action Plan

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Personal Ethics Action Plan

Personal Ethics Action Plan

Personal and Professional Mission Statement

My purpose is to express my ability to work hard, to lead, and to respect others by dedication, being patient, and by being able to listen more efficiently. These are qualities that will help me achieve my life balance goals and aid me in improving myself in both my personal as well as my professional life.

Life Balance Goals

The creation of life balance goals is essential in that it helps a man keep on track and aid him in achieving his long term objectives. If we only jot them down, we are able to reflect on our behavior much better and we know exactly the areas that we need to work on. My life balance goals are listed hereunder.

I will build better relationships with family

I will grow spiritually

I will have stimulating and fun friends

I will set aside $25 monthly in savings

I will get a promotion

I will manage clients better

I will find a mentor at work

I will react less and work and respond more

Personal definitions

Following are my personal definitions of the four key terms in ethics:

Leadership - The ability to guide or direct in a positive direction

Ethics - A system of moral values

Character - How a person's qualities are defined

Service - The act of provision

In making a personal ethics action plan, these four definitions are very important. These are so important because they help the person understand what is it that he personally thinks about these concepts. These are not mere terms, there are concepts that define the whole ethics. In addition, I believe that the four terms are interlinked. It is very important that a good leader sets boundaries for himself. The job of a leader, as I have also stated in my definition, is to guide and direct in a positive direction. In doing so, the leader has to remain sensitive to the sentiments, emotions, feelings, capabilities, religion, values and beliefs of the people he is leading. In addition, he has to remain ethical. The leader cannot become overly obsessed with the workload and ignore the moral values. He needs to understand that the job of the leader is not just to get the work done. He also has to remain ethical and moral at the same time. His character should be exemplary in that he should be a role model for others to follow. In addition, he should be providing good service to the people around him.

The understanding of these four concepts is critical in that if the person is not able to understand the importance of character and ethics himself he will not be able to judge what is ethical and what is moral and the society will never get better. Half of the ethical problems in the society are prevalent only because people have become insensitive. They divorce themselves to the plight of others very conveniently as if similar fate cannot befall upon them. in addition, the ethical dilemmas exist for as long as ...
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