Personal Experience

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Personal Experience

Personal Experience


In life, Education is considered by our parents to be the greatest they can bequeath to us. But to those who cannot send by the parents to school, the learn-through-playing way will be their way of basic education. Proper education is really needed by children since they will be able to take it in way to become successful in the years ahead. As believed by majority of people, experience is the best teacher and for this reason I myself experienced the University of Whales and will share my personal experience how I spent my first and second year here.


University of South Wales was founded in the year 1893 in Whales, England, by Royal Charter for developing higher education for national and international students. The university has several campuses and offers a variety of courses and this is one of the attractive points for students to induct in for. After my graduation from high school, I started off working on my personal statements for admissions in various universities. Out of all, University of Whales was my first priority as it provides engineering courses with one of the best faculty staff around. However, I was glad after I received my confirmation from University of Whales as being selected for the business program. I was a foreign student therefore was a bit intimidated and was not sure about the experience of a foreign university. A foreigner always faces problems when shifting to a new country or a university as it is not easy to settle in with people of different nationality at start. This however was proved wrong as I did not feel much difficulty settling in with other students and this university.

It was a year full of new experiences and rough times as I tried to adapt to study in a new university system. At first, it seemed that it would be the most difficult task to fit in with a group of new students. But as time moved on, life became easier and much smoother. My personal experience remained good in the first and second year at my university. The university offers a wide range of international and national students therefore allowing one to study with people belonging to different cast and creed, nationalities, religions, race, ethnicity and different ethnic and sociological backgrounds. People I worked and studied with, did not belonging to a single nation. They belonged to different nations such as Chinese, Americans, Asians and British for sure. They had different languages, different cultures, and different way of dressing and different attitudes. One thing in common was that most of them had positive attitudes towards each other as they did not place racial differences under consideration. Whenever I required any help for mu project and assignment related, they were very much willing to help and teach. My university experience was one of the best experiences of all s it actually groomed me and taught me stuff that I could never had learned ...
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