Personal Development

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Personal Development

Personal Development

Personal Mission Statement

My personal mission in the next five years is to constantly develop and improve in my personal and professional life. I will continue to grow in my faith to become a better wife, mother, and friend. I will continue to learn and to build my skills and knowledge to climb the corporate ladder.


Time Management has always been my core strength in life. It all started back being in my mother's womb. I am the youngest of three. I have a brother and a sister. The doctor's told my mother that her due date will be December 4th, but she assumed that I would come early because both my brother and sister came exactly two weeks early. Boy, did I surprise her; I was born December 4 at 8:30 a.m., not a day early or late. I have always been the person that will show up five to ten minutes early or on time. Rather it is meeting my friends for dinner or going to a department meeting at work. Managing my time is very important to me, if I don't manage my time I start to feel stress and lost. I don't work well under pressure, so I have to set deadlines for myself because that is the only way I know I will be able to do my work in an effective and efficient way. On a professional level I will continue to practice good time management techniques to reach my project deadline steadily and without panic. I will continue having a to-do list and prioritize my work load to most important to less important. I usually have some free time every Friday morning that will be the time I revisit my calendar to set weekly target dates for an upcoming project. At my last evaluation, my current senior manager told me how she likes the fact that I take ownership in a project. I don't wait for anyone to tell me what to do.


Delegating has always been a problem for me. For some reason it is hard for me to delegate. In my mind I feel like if I delegate my work that I will miss out on the experience on a particular project. On the other hand, if it is a project I am familiar with, sometimes I think it would be better for to work on the project because I ...
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