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Personal Development

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Personal development

Personal development

Evaluate the impact of corporate commitment to staff welfare on organisational objectives

Corporate commitment to welfare of staff and their job satisfaction is as important as other core objectives of organization, successful organizations keep an eagle eye on the employees and their performance and their job related needs because the motivation and commitment to the organization is very important to improve performance and to enhance efficiency of staff. Researches shows that the strong corporate commitment to staff welfare leads to higher job satisfaction and more efficiency and effectiveness. For an assessment of corporate commitment to welfare of the staff the evaluation of staff feelings, behavior, and attitude is very important.

This examines the importance of employees satisfaction of organization, behavior and attitudes impact system, and highlight the importance of corporate commitment to enhance staff welfare satisfaction, improve staff attitude, and to decrease turnover behavior of employees

(Lawrence, 1999). And it is also observed that corporate commitment practices for staff welfare lead to the positive results of employee satisfaction, this outcomes of employee satisfaction leads to the attainment of organizational goals and objectives, thus affects the competitive advantage. The corporate commitment to welfare of staff results enhancement in the skills and abilities of staff due to senmse of ownership, positive job related attitude, and motivation.

In todays competitive environment, companies are paying attention in discovering the ways that leads to a improved job related performance of employees and achievement of organizational goals and objectives. According to researches it has been observed that employee satisfaction and performance are directly related to each other. Employee can be motivated to better performance by increasing employee satisfaction which leads to improvement in organizational performance and employees satisfaction can be enhanced by showing commitment to their welfare. The higher the level of corporate committment felt by an employee for his job, the better will be his performance on job. Hence, the level of employee motivation has an impact on the employee's individual performance as well as the productivity and therefore the bottom line of the whole organization (Spector, 2006).

Discuss how a staff welfare environment can affect achievement of organisational objectives

Achievement of organizational goals and objectives is directly related to satisfaction of employees associated to the job they do when organizatons give them appropriate support in part of their job and show commitment to their welfare. Leading organizations are finding ways about how to show commitment to employees and are changing from traditional organizations to modern organizations and are looking for techniques to provide there employee job satisfaction, develop welfare environment, and putting efforts to for retaining employees so that they can enhance organizational performance and achieve organizational goals and objectives effectively and efficiently. Emplolyees knowledge and skills can be enhanced by professional training and development workshops and this become easy when organizations develop a staff welfare environment. When one is sure of employees understanding and accepting the vision, eliminate all barriers to action, give the necessary training and make sure that the frontline supervisors support ...
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