Personal Change-Leadership

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Personal Change-leadership

Personal Change


Talking about change is perhaps one of the hardest things for humans, the reason is that we become accustomed to our way of being, acting, living life and when we have to make a change in any of these aspects hard work. Sometimes the changes are a must to which we resist the soul. Research has been done about what the grieving process more difficult to accept and generate a profound change in the lives of those who live them. Usually, at these events generate, resistance to change, denial, anger, anxiety, fear, insecurity, uncertainty, and this are normal. Humans should look through these times as quickly as possible in order not to get stuck in their emotions, I know that is not easy, but there are steps in the process of change which must come quickly as acceptance, hope, expectation and trust (Abraham , 1996).


They are not the only changes that we face, and we resist. We can take examples of a moody person, a depressed person, an anxious person, a person who is not controlled but wants to change. In most cases are not easy because we become addicted to our chemicals in the brain that produce these emotions, i.e. anger, depression, anxiety, urge to eat etc.

For most that do not enjoy any of these states consciously unconscious level the brain generates that emotion to satisfy their need to produce the chemicals needed for this. Then the cranky is as angry easily, is easily depressed feeling depressed and compulsive eater eats to satisfy his need. The change in any way required to make a change in our attitude, our actions, many do it alone because they have an enthusiastic attitude, others go to a psychologist because they need guidance and aid to strengthen its attitude (Bandura, 1977) .

Five Steps to Personal Change

The vision of Initiatives of Change is to change the world, changing one life at a time, starting with ourselves. This may seem easy in theory, but in practice maybe you want to see changes in your life but do not know where to start. There is no magic formula for achieving personal change; the process of each person is unique. Here are some ideas that can help you think about it.

Step 1: Awareness and Conviction

Each personal change begins when the person feels a need. The world needs, personal needs, or maybe something wrong with ...
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