Personal And Professional Development

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Personal and Professional Development

Personal and Professional Development

Task 1: A Reflective Learning Journal

Considering my orthopaedic doctoral program I think that getting a doctoral degree can be as difficult and might take yet more initiative as compare to applying for a faculty position. The work practice that we develop in university and the originality and quality of our study will go far away to determining our future success (Walsh, A., 2009, pp. 385-398).

Working in a hospital makes me feel satisfied to serve people with their physically harming problems, infections, and wounds. A number of people think that if we are intelligent, we will succeed in the doctoral degree program, and if we are not smart enough, we will not succeed. Much more significant are study skills, that how we study, what we carry out in as well as out of the classroom, in fact more importantly how we manage our time. The thing is that study skills are somewhat that anyone can learn. It is a difficult qualification for everyone to earn but I am very proud to complete my doctoral program and work as a doctor to serve people with cure and care (Boud, D., 2006).

I think my knowledge and skills of earning doctoral degree would be more effective when I will be working in a hospital to get an outcome in terms of revenue in the reflection of my desired qualification. In my opinion, skills, resources and support are the important elements that are being needed to get success in my doctoral program (Baratz, E.M., 1999, pp. 309-330).

What did I learn that was new to me?

In this field I have learned a lot since the start of my program. Throughout my educational life I have developed many informal discussions of why some things are learnt in a better way of presentation, why people send and receive information more proficiently than others, and finally, why some people motivate their employees and co-workers to give discretionary output through an effortless leadership style (Walsh, A., 2009, pp. 385-398). Learning Through different Practices at workplace has given me the answers to most of my unanswered queries, however it has challenged me to inquire the reasoning underpinned by various researchers and theorists and therefore come to my own conclusion for making the prefect decision for my future (Atkins, C., 1995).

Honey and Mumford (2006) The Learning Styles Questionnaire tells me as much about the various learning styles of persons that I interact with, as it does about my own preferences. This is invaluable within the personal and professional settings that I exist within (Walsh, A., 2009, pp. 385-398). Before undertaking this Questionnaire, I formed an opinion of myself that I believed would leave me sitting squarely within the 'Activist' quadrant. This was partly due to self reflection and analysis from various other workshops that I had undertaken. Whilst the activist did rate extremely high in the questionnaire, it was the 'Pragmatist' that was the stronger style (Atkins, ...
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