At the start of the 1st week, as a new higher learning student of mental health and as a worker within a mental health too, my perception was not good. The professional & personal development did not attract me, but as I came to know the facts about the benefits of professional & personal development through the mental health day by day, I started to attract towards it. Furthermore, as a student my 1st experience was not a good at start but progressively over the course of my studies, it moved in a positive way.
In addition to this, as I look at the state of professional and personal development, I can characterize these changes as a shift from solitary to collaborative, generic to specific, individualized to systemic, static to dynamic. The delivery modes of professional and personal development have shifted over the years. Therefore, certain kinds of experiences create particularly powerful opportunities for learning through reflection. Difficult challenges often provide a rich source of material for our reflective practice. Some challenges embody a dilemma, which may shine a light on a clash between our values and our approach to getting something done.
Week 2
At the start of the 2nd week, I learned that professional and personal development refers to continuous learning opportunities for individuals. Other terms for professional and personal development include in-service, individual learning, staff development, and professional learning. In addition to this, I came to know that the individuals are at the epicenter of discussion and debate over system wide reform initiatives as the individuals are critical to achievement, professional and personal development has become the focal point for supporting individuals in deepening their knowledge and skills.
Today, as organizations strives to become more focused on learning, professional and personal development includes individuals, support staff, and administrators (Darling-Hammond and McLaughlin 1995). Optimally, effective professional and personal development offerings should serve the needs of educational reform initiatives and result in improved performance. Furthermore, there is a large volume of literature that is also available on the subject. I was amazed to come across the fact that during the 1970s and 1980s, professional and personal development delivery relied on outside expertise for conducting workshops and seminars (Fullan 2007). In workshops or seminars during this period, individuals usually traveled to off-site locations to listen to information presented by an expert.
Week 3
Each new day is allowing me to come to terms with new elements of technology in nursing education. In particular, Math and science individuals require professional and personal development that focuses on sustained content and methods training. Thus, professional and personal development offerings have been informed by research. Recent reforms in professional and personal development differ from these traditional offerings to include activities that take place during the organization day and rely more on colleagues, rather than outside experts. Clearly, workshops and/or seminars may be valuable for expanding a repertoire; formulation of pedagogical content knowledge has prompted the education community ...