Personal And Professional Development

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Personal and Professional Development

Personal and Professional Development


This report is the information on self managed learning about how a person can enhance lifelong development through evaluation of self managed learning approaches through which a person can encourage lifelong learning in personal and professional contexts together with the advantages of self managed learning to the organization and the individual. This report will also contain the information about my current competencies and skills against the professional standards and organizational objectives. I will identify my own needs of development and the activities that are required to meet those development needs. This report will also discuss my personal development plan and the opportunities in order to meet current and future needs.

Task 1- Approached to Self Managed Learning

Self managed learning is an approach to learn things in different way identified by people, which can be in society or at their workplace (Graves, 2013, pp. n.d). Self managed learning is about goal setting for learning through evaluation of the objectives of learning and approaches to accomplish those objectives. There are several approaches of self managed learning which are discussed below:

Research in University/ Workplace

People can learn new thing through study they conduct either in university or workplace. In this way, people can learn new tools and techniques that are used in those researches related to business environment and problems associated to any particular industry or business area. Moreover, these studies also provide effective information about current trends of industry and business environment (Cunningham, et al., 2004, pp. 88-89).

Conferences and Seminars

Seminars and conferences are effective approach of self managed learning. They provide detailed insight about what they have learnt through experience and what should be changed to meet future changing trends. Conferences and seminars provide people an opportunity for presenting their knowledge related to something to others. In this way people end up learning new things. Through seminars and conferences, people become confident in speaking in public. Moreover, they develop their communication skills that are required in business arena (Cunningham, et al., 2004, pp. 88-89).

Social Networks

There are several social networking forums including Facebook, Twitter, Orkut etc, where people spend a lot of time in chatting with friends and learning new things related to other people. This is a means through which people can learn use of bulletin boards, new groups and internet. Moreover, through social networking, people learn new things about the socialization. Moreover, these forums now provide an opportunity to learn business writing through blogging and promotional activities (Graves, 2013, pp. n.d).


People can learn a great deal of things through use of internet. People can have access to business articles of various authors related to management studies, strategic risk management, etc. Through internet, such information can be obtained which can shred at workplace for further development. There are various websites that people can surf which are helpful for people to acquire information related to current happenings and world affairs. For instance, provides a great deal of information and services for learning ...
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