Perinatal Mental Health

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Perinatal Mental Health

Perinatal Mental Health


In order to raise the child in a better way, it is imperative for the mother to be in the excellent state of health. Physical health and mental wellbeing is so important for a mother. This health concern issues become more important during pregnancy and after the birth of the baby. A woman needs to take good care during pregnancy and after giving birth to the baby. Pregnancy is not always smooth sailing. The pregnant woman is faced with numerous problems and difficulties. Sometimes some concerns, some difficulties can compromise the pregnancy and complicate the life. Studies conducted in the prenatal period, involving genetic, biochemical, and ultrasound techniques have allowed to identify congenital and hereditary abnormalities of the fetus in early pregnancy and the indications to interrupt her. Equally important is the intrapartum period. An objective diagnostic control of the mother in labor and fetal provided an opportunity to better understand the physiology and pathophysiology of childbirth with a more accurate assessment of obstetric situation and ways to optimize the delivery.

This paper revolves around one of the related phenomena i.e. mental health care of Perinatal women. This paper explores various facets of this issue.

Perinatal Period

According to WHO the perinatal period starts the 154th day of gestation and ends on the seventh day after birth. This should not be confused with the neonatal period corresponding to the first days of life immediately after which the newborn becomes an infant and this until the end of the second year. Births have a significant impact on the functional systems of the fetus and are a kind of test of their biological safety (Singh & Newburn, 2000, pp. 99). The nature of labor and mode of delivery determine the degree and nature of the adaptation reactions of the fetus and newborn. Thus, at birth vaginally in the fetus is observed consistent activation functions of the adrenal cortex, thyroid and pituitary. In newborns, the lessons delivered by Caesarean section, the parallel activation of the functions of the adrenal cortex and thyroid gland, increased release into the blood vessels, erythrocytes and leukocytes in the first minutes after birth. In cases where the fetus does not experience the physiological effects of birth (for caesarean section before labor and delivery), time does not include the respiratory system, respiration takes place without the formation voltage of respiratory function, in which case it is appropriate only to the end of the first hour of life.

When the fetus during labor is experiencing a particularly intense exposure (with fast delivery, short-term acute hypoxia), the adaptive-compensatory reactions of the respiratory system, blood and endocrine system are expressed most clearly. Easy and short-acting hypoxia contributes to the earlier development of adaptation reactions of the fetus. Severe and prolonged hypoxia, by contrast, leads to inhibition of the reactions of adaptation. Initial adaptation to the environment is vitally important systems in full-term newborn are completed in the first 168 hours of ...
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