Perinatal Asphyxia-Cooling Baby

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Perinatal Asphyxia-Cooling Baby

Perinatal Asphyxia-Cooling Baby


Continuing education for those who involved in the care of the newborn activity is a huge responsibility, which involves a great scientific support they generate elements to successful academic each situation. The attention of every birth requires the health team to be prepared to diag- Ticar and treat timely initial and any complication that may occur, in order to avoid negative outcomes in the mother- son why such health team, which includes doctor must know the conditions that lead an infant to suffer perinatal asphyxia. Despite the great advances in tech- fetal monitoring technology and knowledge acquired in recent decades about the patho- technologies fetal and neonatal, perinatal asphyxia, or more correctly the hypoxic- disease, remains a condition serious cause of mortality and morbidity significant disability and to long term, need for monitoring and rehabilitation with specialized teams zados and coordinated, leading to high costs economic and social rights, mainly to countries in developing, given their higher incidence.

Perinatal asphyxia (APN) can be defined as aggression produced the fetus or newborn born around the time of birth by lack of oxygen and / or perfusion adequate tissue. This condition leads to hypoxemia and hypercapnia with acidosis significant metabolic. A third of all infant-cause mortality useful in children under five years corresponds to deaths during the neonatal period. The estimated incidence of NPC varies in different world regions in developed countries, the incidence of asphyxia severe perinatal is about 1 per 1,000 births alive and in the developing countries is a much more common. Data hospital studies of these scenarios suggest an incidence of 5 to 10 x 1,000 live births, with a probable underreporting of this entity. Annually, the NPC is responsible for approximately 23% of four million neonatal deaths occurring on the planet. In Colombia, the incidence is unknown this condition. Furthermore, it is causing many alterations portant roles in neurological function the newborn, resulting in disability and changes in neurodevelopment.

Perinatal Asphyxia

In general, mild perinatal asphyxia moderate, the clinical picture begins to improve progressively after 72 horasde life. Symptoms that appear during the first mere 12 hours are supposed to side brain in depression. The infant does not respond stimuli, has minimal or no response to sensory stimuli, the breathing pattern may change from periodic breathing respiratory failure, generalized hypotonia is present with spontaneous movements minimum, if there is nodal involvement basal tone may be increased.

Mild perinatal asphyxia does not involve any risk of death or moderate disability severe, although between 6 and 24% have mild delays in psychomotor development. In asphyxia moderate risk of neonatal mortality is close to 3% and moderate disabilities severe in survivors shows a wide variability: between 20 and 45%. In asphyxia severe, the mortality is very high (50-75%) and nearly all survivors developing They develop neurological sequelae.

The incidence of perinatal asphyxia in births term varies with the level of health requirements and the quality of obstetric teams. It remains difficult to specify a given mainly because of problems of definition of perinatal asphyxia ...
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