Performance Management Impact On Employees And Organizations

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Performance management impact on employees and organizations


Detail Information3


Performance Evaluation6


Balanced Scorecard7

Description and Analysis of Positions9



Performance management impact on employees and organizations


As we know that technology is advancing day by day and each day brings new ideas and innovations. There are managers who are believing in performance management because it is the tendency to boost up the work of organization in an efficient manner. There are several cases in which employees need certain recommendations and feedbacks and, there are certain programs which try to incentivize employees for their work.

A broader concept that performance evaluation is performance management, which presents itself today as the most complete model for monitoring the performance of employees, by covering the planning, monitoring and evaluation of performance. It aims improvement of the work, aiming to encourage the achievement of organizational goals and the promotion of human resource development. It also includes the planning from the mission, vision, analysis of internal and external environment of the company, identifies the goals to be achieved. Performance management comes from the follow-up actions to verify that they are consistent with established goals, identifying discrepancies between the actions taken and expected and then drawing the actions of development and training.

Detail Information

There are different organizations in the performance evaluations as:

Financial evaluation of marketing strategies, assessment productivity and quality and evaluation of human performance. We will study throughout this paper about evaluation of human performance in business and how it interacts with the whole area of people management and business management. This tool, which main objective is to determine the degree to employee of the company when adapts to the demands and requirements of the job and as contribute to achieve the objectives of the organization. We see the conceptual basis of assessment performance, we understand the basics of evaluation performance. It will be presented as alignment of human performance to organizational see how the evaluation of performance aligns with the strategic planning of the company and what their contribution to the achievement of the vision and organizational mission. We study drawings of positions will be presented concepts enrichment job description and job analysis and job evaluation.

According to Zaffron et al, 2009, this difference becomes necessary before the requirements of competitiveness which combined with the global market and technological advances pose challenges that leave no doubt as to relevance of human strength in the production process. Among the consequences the organizational changes resulting from these external pressures, the managements of the potential and the performance has great importance on demands for the replacement of the foundations of models and practices managerial arising.


According to Zaffron et al, 2009, potential is a power inherent in person, reflecting the knowledge, skills, experiences, interests, amongst others, available for application in any situation life and work. We must go beyond the concept of skills and innate resources so that we can better understand the concept of potential.

Its main features are focusing on continuous improvement, assessment and management of the individual's personal ...
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