Performance Management

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Performance Management

Performance Management

Answer B 1

Why do firms undertake job analysis?

Job Analysis refers to the process of evaluating the entire portfolio relevant to a job position and gathering useful data which could be used in developing an effective and application job description and job specification (Morgeson & Campion, 2000). It must be remembered that in the field of management, job analysis is one of the most important steps used to find the right candidate for a position. The reason behind this is that job analysis is used to create a relevant job profile which could then be matched against an individual's specifications to find the best fit.

Firms conduct job analysis in order to ensure that there is a suitable profile prepared for every job position available within the organization. At the end of the day, job analysis is one important of the proactive approach used by the Human Resource people (Sanchez & Levine, 2012).

Describe the outcome delivered by taxi driver?

A Taxi Driver delivers service to the end customer while following all the relevant roles, responsibilities, duties and tasks associated with the job. Generally speaking, the following outcomes with regards to a taxi driver's job are worth highlighting:

Delivering Service to End Customers

Collection of Revenue from the End Customer

Portraying Corporate Image by communicating with the End Customer

Maintaining Vehicle Status

Ensuring alignment with Legal requirements (Code of Conduct) with regards to Asset management and Traffic Rules (Dalziel & Job, 1997).

Describe the work process used to general this output?

In the job description of a Taxi Driver, everything including each and every step of the process is clearly identified and mentioned to ensure that the person responsible for the job works in a correct and complied manner. In order to generate the above mentioned output, a Taxi Driver follows the following Work Process:

Timing in and taking the vehicle

Finding correct stops where customers gather in clusters

Finding the customer and offering services

Finalizing fair of travelling

Gathering fair at the arrival of destination

Submitting the vehicle back and timing out to note hours of duty served

Moreover, it should be remembered that as far as the maintenance of the vehicle and following the traffic rules are concerned; these take place in between the process.

What are the inputs used by taxi driver?

The inputs used by the driver would include the registered vehicle, reimbursement for used fuel and salary for the hours of duty served. Moreover, as per the Organizational policies, other types of compensations used including official leaves and bonuses etcetera would also be counted as the inputs taken by the taxi driver.

How can this job analysis be used to enable the improved performance by taxi driver?

By analyzing the job of the taxi driver; a relevant job profile including the Job Specification and Job Description would be designed. Moreover, once these documents have been prepared, then the organization would have the ability to recruit and select the right person for the position by using different types of evaluations. Relevant training sessions could also be easily provided and since the profile of the person would be ...
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