Performance Management

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Why Is Performance Management An Important Aspect In Employment Relations?

Why Is Performance Management An Important Aspect In Employment Relations?


The increase in competition and complexities in business have resulted in the emergence of comprehensive concepts of management. Performance management continuously identifies, measures, and develops the performance of employees so that the goals of the organization can be achieved. Performance management is used extensively by organizations in order to involve the employees in helping the organization meet its goals and mission. In doing so the organization increases its efficiency and improves relations with the employees.

The Australian Red Cross is part of the world's largest humanitarian service network comprising of millions of staff members and volunteers. The working of the Red Cross is distinctive from other organizations due to which the management uses a different method of measuring the performance of its employees. The performance management is based on the fact that a better system would help build employee relationship and hence the organization would find it easier to achieve their mission. There is a direct relationship between performance management and employee relations.


Employees need to be continuously supported so that they can understand the mission of the organization and consequently work in line with the mission. Every organization faces issues and keeping employees motivated during this time is crucial because this would determine the level of success that the organization would be able to achieve. This is not a simple task to accomplish as employees would have to be constantly motivated. Keeping employees motivated requires the organization to constantly monitor their performance and determine ways by which their performance can be enhanced (Kuballa, 2007).

The services being provided by the Australian Red Cross are such that their quality depends on the efforts of its employees; therefore, one of the most important goals of the organization is to have a set of employees who put their full efforts in order to provide the best services. Employees are encourages to go above their role if needed in order to improve the working of the organization. At the end of the shift, the employees have to ensure that their part of the work is completed and if anything is still left incomplete someone from the next shift is informed and assigned the task (Armstrong & Baron, 2005).

Performance management has become one of the most important concepts in every organization due to which people ask what exactly it is and how the organization uses it? A majority of organizations use performance management systems in order to determine the level of work being performed by employees and their lacking. Usually, trainings are based on the outcomes of the performance reports. These trainings are conducted in order to overcome the lacking so that the employee may work for the success of the organization. Whether small or large, all organizations use performance management systems because it gives the managers a complete preview of the employees and hence they are able to effectively able to determine the tasks that should be assigned ...
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