Performance Management

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Performance Management at Electron


About the company4


Team and Performance management5

About the team structure at Electron6

Team dynamics6

Issues related to Team Dynamics at Electron8

Critical factors impacting the team's performance at Electron9

Team size9

Emotional intelligence10

Social loafing11

Performance Management and team work Recommendations12



This research report is based on highlighting the importance and role of team based work in an organization. An organization cannot fulfill its set goals and objectives until and unless it is having a certain level of cohesion and connectivity or relationships among its employees or workforce. The workforce can give better results in a form of team that is clear from the case of Electron Company on which the whole research is based upon. There are several issues faced by the companies in developing team cohesion and dynamics, as there are people or employees who are un-willing to work with others. This thing needs to be managed by the managers and supervisors of the company, as they have an authority and responsibility of accomplishing the assigned goals and objectives. With the help of proper training and communication, an organization such as Electron in this research can teach its employees on how to manage the organizational goals within teams. Organizational culture and behavior is of great importance in developing team spirit and cohesion. It is sensible for the companies to fully understand and assess the employees as individual and also as a team and come up with a proper plan to train that could help in elimination of organizational issues.

Performance Management at Electron


About the company

Electron is an assembling and manufacturing company which is situated in the North of England. It was founded in 1997. The company alters the components for the telecommunications industry. The headquarter of the company which is in UK has 150 employees, out of which 90 works in the assembling branch. In the beginning, Electron was a part of a telecommunications firm, and later the company, acquired the assembling segment portion which constitutes a major goal of their outsourcing plan which was presented by the parent company of Electron in 2007. In spite of the definitive guardian association being the biggest client of Electron, Electron runs a universal structure of departments which comprises assembling units, designing units, sales/marketing division, human resource division and finance division. The business structure of Electron has remained the same as it was before in the parent company. Electron has both full-time employees and low maintenance staff who covers different shift timings.

The management of Electron recognized that in 1990s, the company was struggling to acquire market share in the competitive and innovative market so that they can expand their market. The company acknowledged that they need a more viable and efficient processing methods which can reflect the culture of the company, superior customer service, increased productivity and commitment to work with cohesion, cooperation and coordination with the team members.


Team and Performance management

The performance of the team is very important in order to achieve organizational goals. It is the work of the management of the company ...
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