Performance Improvement Plan

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Performance Improvement Plan

Performance Improvement Plan


John Steward, a person who was fully motivated to his work and continues to strive against achieving his goals. He is my colleague who was promoted to a team leader recently due to his remarkable performance. He is now superior to me and performs as a team leader in the organization. He is young and keen to work.

Since the couple of months, it was observed by our managers that the performance level of Steward was going down, and all the major traits were declining down due to his negligence towards the performance in the organization. Recently he has become grouchy and sullen with his team and all the sub-ordinates in the team including me, felt that Steward changed a lot. A few of us, who were friends of Steward tried to find out if his personal life was going fine, may be that has influenced him in his professional life as well. He did not tell us anything about his personal life but responded aggressively to all of us

All of a sudden a feedback gap was created between team leader and team members. He missed his deadlines and showed low quality work several times to his managers, which was not at all appreciated by them. Our managers have decided to prepare a performance improvement plan for Steward and give him a chance to accept his low quality performance and improve it accordingly by the time. Team members and managers are positively expecting him to change his behavior within the organization.


Table 01 Employee and Managerial Influence on the Feedback Gap


Employee Influences



Cost of FSB



FAB temptations



Personal factors which encourage FAB


Managerial Influences


Zero-tolerant manager






Conflict avoider




Scale: (4 being the highest performance and 1 being the lowest)

4 = EX: Exceeds expectations

3 = ME: Meets expectations

2 = PM: Partially meets expectations

1 = NI: Needs improvement

As it was observed earlier, that Steward was afraid of receiving feedback from his supervisors. He does not tend to talk about his performance with his managers because he was afraid of the incompetency to his boss. He was weak and could not be able to continue showing consistently good work. He was highly self-esteemed and avoids getting feedback on his performance (Governance guide, 2013). He was aggressive and tends to react more quickly to the bad feedbacks. However, it can also be observed that he did not lack behind in delegating the responsibilities to his subordinates and was not a fault finder. The total score of the Steward in the table shown above is 9 points based on his current performance in the organization. 9 points are below average, and he highly needs to work on the highlighted areas from this table.

Performance improvement plan is developed in order to let individual know about his deficiencies as a part of an organization (UTD, 2012). These deficiencies are than set to some expected level of improvement at the initial stages. It focuses on a reasonable period of time in which a person can improve his performance in ...
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