Performance Evaluation

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Performance evaluation

Performance evaluation


There is an old saying that advises, "If you do not know where you are going, you will never get there." Certainly, nowhere is this truer than in a business or organizational setting. From an employee's perspective, knowing where one wants to go may mean wanting to do the things on the job that will help ensure a pay raise or promotion. From the organization's perspective, knowing where one is going may mean wanting to do the things that will improve its effectiveness and efficiency and, in general, help it become a high performing organization. However, neither the employee nor the organization can meet these goals unless they know how they are currently performing and can determine what changes must be made in order to improve overall performance.

For the individual, this information usually comes in the form of feedback from a performance appraisal or review. Performance appraisal is the process of evaluating an employee's work performance and providing feedback on how well s/he is doing, typically against some standard of performance for that job. Performance appraisal can also provide the organization with some of the information that it needs in order to make strategic decisions to help it succeed in the marketplace.

360 Degree Feedback System

The search for better communication, constant activity, is like searchingis always the goal, always insists on it and not always the broadly achieved, or at least satisfactory.

In the area of organizations, one aspect of communication, analysis and mentioned with some frequency, said that its members rarely known with us precisely what they think of those with whom they interact in the performance of their tasks. The perception of a manager about what they think about their attitudes or junior their decisions and what he really thinks about it, for example, do not always coincide. The ratings often afraid to speak his mind or find an opportunity to

This lack of communication becomes a problem for the manager; because ignoring what subordinates think of him prevents him, in certain aspects, improve their performance. Solve this reality is not easy. While each of the members of an organization has an informal opinion about each of those around it, as pointed out, is not expressed openly. In other words, a better plan their development manager within the organization when you know how they feel their behavior those around him.

Usual or traditional business is the feedback "from top to bottom" process through which a manager or supervisor meets individually with each subordinates to express what you think about their performances. This practice, which began as a means of providing feedback to subordinates led to the known performance evaluations which assigns a numerical value the various aspects of employee performance. This is so common that nowadays no company that boasts of being well organized does not have an evaluation system in which, for example, is rated from one to five and their members in the guise of "cooperation." The reverse process, feedback from subordinates to their supervisors ...
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