Performance Evaluation

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Performance Evaluation

Executive Summary

The paper discuss about the performance related reward Individual in an Organisation. In this project we have taken the example of TESCO. It is a fact that several researchers in management literature have examined that key performance indicator for any organization is to improve feedback system of employees. Tesco believes that through complete planning the workers can be motivated at work, if they are given enough space to perform. At Tesco the current Version System have well-developed and strong performance management system which encourage higher management and employers to communicate with ease regarding their expectations of performance. However, as long as the driving force has recognized that the company can make a program or the retention plan for aiming to improve the overall performance of their employees. Various human resource strategies are being marked as an important tool to motivate employees at work, including the training and development, recruitment and rewards, selection and recognition and pay and benefit procedures.

Table of Content

Executive Summary2

Task no 14

Pay Structure Design at Tesco4

Broad Banding at Tesco5

Total Reward at Tesco5




Performance and Recognition9

Development and Career Opportunities10

Strategic Approach to Reward11

Task no 211

Job Evalutaion11

Reward Approach at Tesco11

Save As You Earn (SAYE)12

Burn As You Earn12

Staff Privilegecard12

Looking In To the Future12


Life insurance12

Broad Banding at Tesco12

Assessing Strengths & Weaknesses in Performance System12

Job, Career & Family Structure12

Keep it Simple12

Assessing Strengths & Weaknesses in Performance System12



Performance Evaluation: The Case of Tesco

Task 1

Motivation is source via which employees are encouraged to be effective and efficient in the job designation they are in. Higher morale motivates them to invent their knowledge, skills and abilities in the organizational process to being about higher productivity. Based on Tesco's approach the right form of benefits and compensation can lead to higher motivation level, higher yields and eventually lead to lesser mistakes. The employee is then empowered to be confident and creative and bring about new concepts to bring about healthy changes in the organization ensuring cost effectiveness (Leathy, 2004, p.15).

Tesco practices what it calls 'talent planning'. This has led to give a wider space to the employees to work up and through the organisation. It is via the annual appraisal scheme that the employees can develop their career roadmap and identify the roles and work on those roles to achieve their dream job (Venkatraman, 2011, pp. 19-41).

Pay Structures Design at Tesco

Figure 2: www.

Broad-banding at Tesco

Tesco has eliminated the previous pay structure and has started utilizing broad banding. The previous design was lacking flexibility in terms of pay structure and job evaluation and at the same time it inhibited the career development of the employees. Broad-banding was introduced because Tesco wanted have payment flexibility, flat/horizontal organization, rewarding the staff for the degree of contribution, linking or developing an association with remuneration to contribution as well as responsibility and simplifying the job classification and career planning process.

Total Reward at Tesco

Tesco has made use of the total reward system. Initially Tesco never used to pay its employees on better performance and now ...
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