The approach I will take in the feedback session will be a two way communication approach. Two way communication leads to the reason of over performance or underperformance. Through two ways, communication, I will be able to assess the factors which are troubling the employee. Those issues will be addressed then and there if possible. Issues not solved immediately be taken up to the senior management who will find solutions to solve the problems. Composition of ultimate solutions leads to training and coaching sessions. Employees learn from these sessions. Learning leads to implementation of the lessons taught in training. Feedback session is productive and healthy. Employee motivation reaches advanced levels because organization starts listening to the problems faced by the employees and is readily providing a solution to them. Implementation of solution leads to hassle free achievement of the goals. Achievement of goals makes employee motivated, because they easily achieve targets set and then their evaluation is also excellent. In this case, they are just evaluating the employee on the basis of the score cards. Employee not given any chance to justify his actions or his performance leads to employee demotivation. James is performing exceptionally well in all segments except for the customer satisfaction. There must be a reason for underperformance in this category. The issue is not addressed by the evaluators. They just marked the evaluation on the basis of the score card. Customers responded that, nonoperational Automated Teller Machines was the point of dissatisfaction. The issue of ATM is not the responsibility of the branch, but this affected the evaluation of the employee who is working up to the mark. James never able to justify the cause, but his high spirits which led to an improved score in customer satisfaction in the last quarter. Higher level management discourages two-way communication because they feel they are better than the others. Upper management believes that processes implemented by them are the best so far, and the change is not possible. Criticism should be acceptable at all levels. Accepting criticism, yield results The sequence I would have adopted:.
Employee discussion session: First I will ask James about his or her performance perception in the quarter. If the James replies that he is satisfied, I will ask why you are satisfied. If James justifies it then I will proceed to the next question. If James says he is not satisfied and need to discuss the issues, I will write down the issues and will provide him with sincere advice regarding how to go about solving a problem.
Solving the problem: I will ask James that, how he will be able to solve the problem he is facing. James's responses will be noted, and if necessary a training session will be provided to him along with the perfect tool to go about solving a problem.
Referring to the scorecard: I will refer to the score card and will congratulate the James about the success achieved in the ...