People, Organization And Management

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People, Organization and Management

People, Organization and Management

Seminar Week Number: 8

Seminar Title:

Groups and teams at work 2

My reading in preparation for this seminar was:

Penna, R. (2011), Managing an Effective Team: a leader's guide, Employee Assitance Program, retrieved on: December, 12, 2012, from:

Summary (approximately 150 words)

This article provides an explicit understanding of why team work in some scenarios work so well while in other cases they fail. The author identified that the major reason behind the successful team building is effective communication. Effective communication among teams, in accordance with the author is the main factor of success in team building process. Some teams work so well, because they communicate everything, discuss the issues; resolve it on table and than move on to other tasks. While, poor communication among team members often result in building conflict, which ultimately lead to the poor performance of the team. Citing the importance of team work, the author mentions that team work distributes the responsibilities among team members on the basis of their core expertise. However, he stress that everyone in the team should be allowed to contribute their suggestion, but a team leader must be nominated to take final decision.

My critical reflection (approximately 50 words)

I found the article interesting, because team management is important to compete in every organization. In fact, many companies seek people who have the capacity to build and lead teams. My special area of interest is communication in team building process, and how people can use their communication skills to build and lead teams.

Seminar Week Number: 9

Seminar Title:

Management, work and organizations in context


My reading in preparation for this seminar was:

Mackey, J. (2007), Conscious Capitalism: Creating a New Paradigm for Business, Journal of Academic and Business Ethics, retrieved on: December, 12, 2012, from:

Summary (approximately 150 words)

The article emphasizes on the expansion of an aware and global leaders and industries, finally capitalism. To build up the society and the cultures of the organization, the leaders must improve and develop their own abilities to be more result oriented. Businesses now require leaders who are able to implement a global approach towards the business to deal with the difficulty of the economic situation of the global business world. Furthermore the article suggests that only a few number of global business leaders have adapted the world centric perspective and are implementing it. The article further raises a question that how ...
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