People Management

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Developing Human Resources for Managing High Performance

Human Resource Management3



People Management and Company performance4

The Content Theories5

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs5

McGregor's X-Y Theory8


The Changing Context of Employment9

The changing world of work10

PASTLE and Working World10







Organizational Performance and People Management13

Theories and People Management14

The Organizational Architecture of High Performance15

Employee engagement and discretionary behaviour15

Empowerment and discretionary effort16

Investing in human capital18

Learning and Development in Work18

Rewarding performance at work19

Managing Relationships in workplace20

Honesty and Trust20



Optimizing and Sustaining High Performance21

Leadership and Teamwork21

HRM and the management of strategic organizational change22



Building of Human Resources

Human Resource Management

Human Resource Management is a broad field of the business in which we study about managing resources, activities, and people inside the organization. It also deals with the strategies and policies through which the employees' are kept motivated and promoted to keep the performance graph high.


The employees are the best asset in any company on the largest scale. Employees' attitude and performance can lead the company towards failure and success in the field of business. Therefore, the biggest task for the higher authorities or manager is to manage people with proper arrangement and leadership. Due to these tasks of managing people, the manager need to train, encourage, inspire, motivate, and lead. With additional duties the manager is responsible for hiring new people, arrange the required training for them, and provide assistance in order to promote or fire them from the company. These are additional task seem to be odds, still the successful leaders are able to merge both the negative and positive aspects of functions to make a force with productive and positive attitude.

The field of people management is also named as HRM (Human Resource Management), covering the duties of providing support, management, and recruitment during the ongoing operations and task for the employees of a company. The critical duties on the additional basis may include such as administration, communication, employee motivation and keeping their morale high, benefits, wellness, development safety, compensation and guiding people for the better performance and behaviour. Higher authorities also take care of the people management according to the size and nature of the organization. Managers perform these operations and task with the help of his experience and intelligence. In each task his participation and activeness is very necessary to avoid the misbehaving and misconduct in the performance of the company employees. With managing people, managers also report to the managing authorities or the reporting authorities regarding the performance and productivity of the employees.


People Management and Company performance

People management is the essential task in the growth of the company because correct choice of people contributes better presentation. The correct choice could only be possible through right people recruitment and knowing them through detailed interview. New faculty must furnish the organization with the best ability accessible that supports the business. The association should look forward to how another representative could be utilized to their best. Getting the most out of a worker implies a business has steady practice and approaches set up to furnish its individuals with proper preparing ...
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