People Management

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People Management and its Role in Organisational Effectiveness


The notion of People Management1

Role of Effective People Management Practices in Organisational Effectiveness2

Current People Management Practices in the Organisation Along With Improvements7

Methods to Be Utilized To Ensure the Selection of the Best Individuals8

Implementation of Theories Related To the Way People Interact In Groups9

Approaches To Be Used To Develop and Promote Effective Team Working9

Ways in Which the Performance of Employees Can Be Monitored9

Ways to Recognise Training and Development Needs of Individuals10

Ways to Promote Continuous Development of Employees11

Leadership Theories That Pertain To Effective People Management11

Managing Work Place Relationship12

Affect On Attitude, Behaviour and Management Practice13



People Management and its Role in Organisational Effectiveness


In past decades, the importance of human resources was not much significant as compared with today. It is notable that now day businesses are now focused on attracting, retaining and motivating intellectual minds to achieve their objectives and thus need to maintain efficiently and effectively. Therefore, now day business considers humans as the asset of the business and try manage them efficiently with various human resources tools. People management has turned out to be an important aspects and functions for the organisations around the world because of the significant impact which it has on the effectiveness of the organisational performance.

The aim of this report is to discuss the notion of people management in an organisation. The report initially describes the idea of people management. It subsequently discusses and critically evaluates the role of effective people management practices in organisational effectiveness. The report then includes as an exemplar the current practices pertaining to people management in an organisation and identifies lacking areas along with proposition of improvements.

The notion of People Management

People Management is the term that describes the organisational activities concerned with recruitment and selection, training and development, appraisal and reward, motivating, directing and controlling employees. It is a necessary function for creating an employer brand that attracts potential employees and manages them in an adequate and effective manner so as to gain benefits in terms of enhanced organisational performance (Amos, 2008, pp. 8-9).

The focus of people management is on managing people within the employer-employee relationship. Specifically, it involves the productive use of people in achieving the organization's strategic business objectives and the satisfaction of individual employee needs. The process of people management in an organisation focuses on linking all the human resource activities with the organization's strategic objectives (Weightman, 2004, pp.3-7).

Human Resource is one of the most important aspects of any organization, which has a direct impact on the performance and productivity of the organization (Amos, 2008, pp. 8-9). In order to manage the human resources, organizations have human resource managers. The functions of people management and human resource management plays essential role in improving the productivity of the organization by managing its employees in several different ways (Warigon, n.d., pp.1-2).

Role of Effective People Management Practices in Organisational Effectiveness

In a business organization, the human resource offers a strong and powerful synergy for sustaining its competitive advantage if it is ...
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