Participation In Activity Of Cleveland, Ohio County Probation Department

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Participation in activity of Cleveland, Ohio county probation department

[Name of the Instructor]

[Date of Submission]


Cleveland Ohio probation department (Department of Justice) is serving as an important justice provident system in the society. This assignment is a reflection of participation in an activity that was conducted with an aim to address the issue of stress faced by the probation officers at work and how the organization with the help of strategies can deal with it. Table of Contents


Cleveland, Ohio county probation dept. (Department of Justice Ohio, Cleveland) Introduction and its mission1

Activity experienced at Cleveland, Ohio county probation dept.2

Purpose of the meeting2

Occurrence of activities in the meeting2

Role played in the meeting3

Participants of the meeting and the roles played by them3

Primary Problem and extent to which it is addressed by the organization3

Community members who are at more direct stake as a result of problem4

Forces of power that cause and perpetuate the problem including the members who could benefit from the problem5

Recruitment of the community members6

Success of the activity in building the organization's ability to create problem solutions6



Participation in activity of Cleveland, Ohio county probation department


Government agencies play an influential role in effectively supervising the offenders. A number of changes have been experienced by the probation and parole during the last two decades. In the present scenario, probation and parole that are generally referred to as community corrections has been transformed from offender-focused profession to the one having more concern and involvement for the safety of public. The department has a responsibility to address the needs of community while with the help of sound treatment and appropriate supervision addresses the needs of offenders (Finn & Kuck, 2003). This assignment is a reflection of participation in a strategic planning meeting of Cleveland OH office of United State that was arranged to address one of the important issues of “probation and parole officer stress”. These officers play an important role in meeting the safety needs of the community.

Cleveland, Ohio county probation dept. (Department of Justice Ohio, Cleveland) Introduction and its mission

The department of justice, Ohio Cleveland has been established to serve the Northern District of Ohio. The responsibility of this organization is to strengthen the law and order situation in order to make the communities safer, enhance the state and local law enforcement collaborations (Langeluttig, 1927). The major objective of this organization is to ensure that all the citizens of United States have an easy and secure access to the justice system. The mission with which the organization operates is reflected by the following three goals (Department of Justice, 2010):

Terrorism prevention and promotion of national security

Protect rights of the American society with the help of crime rate prevention and enforcement of Federal Law.

Assurance of the fair, effective and transparent administration of Justice at various levels (such as Federal, Local State ad international levels)

Activity experienced at Cleveland, Ohio county probation dept.

A meeting was conducted at the Department of Justice Ohio county probation department to plan for the strategies that will help to address the issue of parole and ...
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