Partial Birth Abortions Should Be Illegal

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Partial Birth Abortions Should Be Illegal

Partial Birth Abortions Should Be Illegal

Thesis Statement

Heads, i live, tails, i die. 50% chance. Thats what most children from unwanted pregnancies face. A fifty percent chance of being born. Whats the other choice? Death by abortion.


Have you ever thought about killing anyone? Taking someone's life? The life of someone so small they would not even have a say in such a decision. Someone so small they are considered unimportant(Cozic, 2012). Abortion means ending a pregnancy so that it does not result in the birth of a child but no matter how you say it, abortion is taking a life.

A lot of people consider abortion as the only way to get rid of their “problem”. Is abortion acceptable in certain cases such as rape? Yes and no. Yes, because the woman had no say in this, and was violently forced to this action, and no since again you are taking away another human's life. But only a small amount of all the women that choose abortion have been raped.


"Partial-birth abortion" is a legal term of art, defined by Congress as a matter of federal law, as quoted above. Although supporters and opponents of the new law differ dramatically in their perceptions of what methods the law covers (as discussed below), neither side believes that the legal definition of "partial-birth abortion" is synonymous with the shifting and conflicting descriptions attached in various literature to such pseudo-medical jargon terms as "dilation and extraction," "intact dilation and evacuation," or "intact dilation and extraction." In short, it is simply inaccurate for journalists to equate the legal term "partial-birth abortion" with these nebulous jargon terms(Gorney, 2004).

Abortion is wrong for many reasons. The major one is the fact that every time an abortion is performed, another child, another human, who could change the future and make the world a better place, is killed.

A lot of women think that Abortion is the only solution to their problem, but actually it can open the door to a lot of new ones. Having an abortion can cause long term effects. After the abortion process the physical effects can range from having defects while trying to have another baby and might not be able to and you would also have a higher risk at having breast cancer. There are emotional effects such as depression which plays a main role by the guilt and regret of the abortion, flashbacks of abortion, and alcohol and drug abuse. We also become unaware that abortions can eventually lead to the euthanasia of terminally ill people, the elderly, the mentally handicapped and finally, and most importantly, the unwanted. Society should be responsible for protecting all life, not destroying it (Watkins, 2012).

Abortion is a social problem. The important ways of looking at the issue of abortion are most easily categorized into five major points, legal precedence, birth control issues, human rights, religion and when life begins. In all of these categories there are issues with abortion that people that based on both ...
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