Abortion As A Crime

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Abortion as a Crime

Abortion as a Crime


When deliberating on sensitive social topics such as abortion, most of the people cling onto a rigid idea and employ it to contradict every argument presented against point of view. For example, a person in support of abortion might be reluctant to inquire about the right of a woman to her own body. On the contrary, a person against abortion might be averse to move past the assertion that abortion is a murder in simplest terms. Abortion may or may not be a murder, but the debate on such topics brings deadlocks more than the solutions to reduce the impact of the real issue (McPhee, 2005).

Abortion is viewed in American society as an evil that gives rise to many problems. Pro-life Americans view the concept from two different angels: they believe abortion is equivalent to murder also that it should be legal. While abortion is only permissible in case it is putting the life of the mother in jeopardy, this view is baseless and unjustifiable. The judicial authorities also view abortion as an ill practice that permeates from the evils of incest, teen-age pregnancy and rape. Hence, it cannot be admitted in the court of law as a legal choice available to potential parents (Linda et.al, 102). Abortion is a means to end life of the developing baby, and in turn, it is fight against God. America's moral qualms against abortion are mainly based on President Clinton's slogan when he promoted the idea that abortion should be “safe, legal and rare.” This book mainly emphasizes on the fact that abortion kills a human being and not a mere tissue. Hence, it should be condemned and avoided at all costs (Barbara, 2005).

Discussion and analysis

The cause of the real perplexity on the issue of abortion is the human predisposition to accept or reject fundamental moral standards without sufficient examination. Each year approximately 40 million abortions performed worldwide. About half of these abortions are illegal and unsafe place. 70,000 million women and girls are dying unnecessarily and have millions in bad to very serious complications in hospitals are included. Unsafe abortions for girls and young women in particular serious health problems. In Africa, 59% of unsafe abortions take place in girls between 15 and 24 years. This shows that girls and young women are so desperate to have unwanted pregnancies because they're willing to health and life risking. The lack of legal services accessible through the stigma and taboo sexuality of young people and a lack of money to a safe abortion to pay remaining there for girls and young women often nothing more than this.

Abortion as a Crime

Abortion, legal or illegal too physically and psychologically damaging to women and can even cause death. The pro-abortion propaganda continually proclaims the lie that legal abortion is medically "safe", and that legalizing or decriminalizing it is necessary due to the large number of maternal deaths caused by illegal ...
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