Parents Should Or Should Not Say Youngsters That They Can Be Anything

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Parents Should Or Should Not Say Youngsters That They Can Be Anything

Parents Should Or Should Not Say Youngsters That They Can Be Anything


Parents are said to play the most important role in a child's life right from childhood till they become youngsters. For those who are lucky enough to see their parents alive in old age may find that they have a guide to which they can always look up to and seek guidance. The importance of parents cannot be underestimated. Whatever advice they furnish to their children is based on good intentions. Children, youngsters and even those who are old need to follow their parent's advice as it is mostly based on what is good for them. The influence of the parents comes out a long way and mostly has a positive impact. However, parents out of emotions tend to misguide their children when it comes to telling them what career they should opt for. Parents out of emotion tend to tell their children that if they want they can be anything that they like to be without analyzing the competency of the child and the kind of inclination that the child has. Children unlike the parents are not able to fully understand what is good and what is bad for them so it is important for the parents to understand what their child is like and what potential is instilled in them and then guide them.


Parents play many roles in the life of youngsters, but their goal should not be to dictate. It should rather be to polish the youngsters based on their interest and guide him towards success. Their role includes making sure that he passes out of school, does his homework regularly, has the opportunity to attend college or university, and is provided him with the guidance until he is capable of adopting good decisions himself. When it comes to deciding what the youngster should be, it is best to leave that option open for the youngsters after guiding them what they are good at and building their skills based on the competency. The parents should ensure that they guide the child in the actual field that the child has an interest in and tell them the career options that are most likely to be apt. After guiding then child it is then that the option should be decided by them as they will be living with it throughout their lives. This option needs to be decided keeping in mind what best suits the person, and though the parents are well aware of the capabilities and shortcomings that the youngster have, yet the decision should be made by the youngster as only they can discern for themselves what would be best for them.

However, this does not mean that the parents should not interfere in any way. Their guidance and assistance must always be heeded to by the youngsters, but it should only be guidance that parents need to provide, and that too which is career ...
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