Character Sketch

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Character Sketch

Character Sketch

My name is Carl and I was born in the United States. I came to Hawaii when he was about two years. My parents moved here because of the serene and peaceful environment and I have stopped here all my life. I always thought that grandparents were the icons of wisdom, "go to" person with the answers, and the personification of patience. When I was young, I often think, "When I grow up I want to be like Grandpa." I looked forward with eager anticipation of time that would have all the answers and all the wise advice. All our parents are gone now, and I discovered, as I suppose they discovered that all they really have made it over the years.

I've learned to be the wise father and grandparents is not so much what I know, but what I do. And the greatest truth I have learned is that you do not have to get old to grow wise. The reality is that everyone grows. What matters is what we maintain and / or lost in the process. We have to maintain a sense of humor, but lose meaningless nonsense adolescence. We must somehow keep our inner youth, but loses irresponsibleness adolescence. We must maintain our integrity while recognizing the reality of the shadows of the truth. We must fight to maintain our health, not the obsession with youth fitness. We need to encourage solidarity and empathy, while avoiding the devastation of "attitude." We learn to let go of "me first" for the sincere desire to share beyond ourselves and our families. (Olney, 1998)

Being an adult means simply that we now know what to do and move on without supervision and that, even when they do not feel much like doing at the moment. And what ...
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