Parenting Styles

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Parenting Styles

Parenting Styles


Parenting practices are specific behaviors parents employ to socialize their children with them. Frequently studied practices include parental involvement (e.g., helping with homework), monitoring (e.g., supervising activities), and discipline (e.g., corporal punishment). Some researchers include parental values (e.g., importance of obedience) and goals and aspirations (e.g., a college degree) in this category. There are two types of parents lenient and strict.

When years of research on specific parenting practices or behaviors (such as corporal punishment) failed to show expected correlations with child outcomes, researchers began to focus on parenting styles or constellations of parenting attitudes and behaviors that set the emotional climate within the family (Combs, Wilson, 2003). Early research on parenting styles addressed responsiveness or non responsiveness, democratic or autocratic, warmth or coldness, and high versus low control, among others. Most current classification systems focus on parenting style as described by the dimensions of warmth and expressions of affection and control or demandingness.


Authoritarian (Strict Parents)

Authoritarian parents have the nature to control their child and put an eye on their activities. They control excessively. . Parents assume a clear gap between parents and child. Parents interact with it in a formal way, without entering into their psychosocial needs, interests, motives and abilities, etc. They want child to do whatever they want.

These parents are habitual of setting hard rules and boundaries for their children. They do not express love or affection to their children. They keep their children scared and feared of them. Try to establish such rules, regulations, and benchmarks that it becomes impossible for children to meet the criteria. They keep setting higher rules for their children (Bradley, Caldwell, 1995).

They intervene in children work, they do not let them do naything of their own choice. They give no options to choose from. Authoritarian parents do not ...
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