Parenting Style

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Parenting Style

Parenting Style


Parents play a very important role in upbringing their child. Parenting prepares a child for the practical life; through parenting a child knows his/her values, morals and the principle for living up the life. Parents are the symbol of inspiration for the children; they are the one that can bring up a confident child. Thus, it is a fact that without good parenting the nation would not be able to progress, as the young generations are the future of any nation. However, the parent-child relationship is critical in shaping up the children's social competence, thus , the paper identifies three different ways of parenting style that influences the children in different manner depending on the behavior and attitude parents keep in bring them up. Although, these different parenting styles which are both successful and unsuccessful. Discussion

The main goal of parenting is to empower the teens to become more independent in decision making and take responsibility for their actions. Parenting styles can greatly influence this process of development and empowerment of the teen. There are many styles of parenting. The most common ones are: giving orders (authoritarian); giving in (permissive) and giving choices.

Authoritative Parenting Style

The authoritative parenting style is often unsuccessful. It can work, but not as efficiently as other parenting styles do. Authoritarian parents believe in holding their children to very high levels of achievement and success. The parents demand for perfection is often so paramount that relationship is stressed, and often child does not feel that unconditional love (whether it is there or not) that children need (Maccoby, 2010)

Giving orders

The authoritarian method of parenting does not foster the building of either trust or respect. It strongly limits the freedom and sense of responsibility of the teen. Also, the teen, educated in this way, remains dependent on his parents and therefore has difficulties in his learning process and in the end breaking away from his parents. One of problems with Authoritarian parenting is that when the child needs help or guidance, they often go to someone they feel loved and accepted by.

If child is naturally responsible, respectful, and does not take advantage of their parents then this way of parenting works. Unfortunately more often than not children do take advantage of their parents.

Permissive parenting style

Permissive parents believe that showing their child love, and feeling loved by them, is ultimate goal in parenting. Permissive parents tend to avoid conflict at any cost. In this style it is observed that the rules and discipline are often missing from house. Permissive parents, in their desire to be everything for their children, often times miss boat entirely and have very little to offer that the peer at school cannot fulfill.

Children who grow up in permissive households often turn into adults that have no strong inner sense of discipline, believe world revolves around them, and eventually have to learn to re-parent themselves, which puts them at the disadvantage in all areas of life as adults (Lamont, 2011)

Giving in

Receiving ...
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